  • Vande CWB

  • Curitiba
  • Tecnólogo em TI e Comerciante.
  • Handle for Vande CWB : @vandecwb
  • ID for Vande CWB : 49610782
  • URL :
Vande CWB

Vande CWB

Tecnólogo em TI e Comerciante.

Vande CWB

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@PauloMartins10 Curitiba
662K+ followers
1K+ following
834 listed

@bicmuller Curitiba
326K+ followers
2K+ following
1277 listed

@garotasemfio Curitiba
313K+ followers
2K+ following
2050 listed

@ZeivaBuchmann Curitiba
270K+ followers
112 following
36 listed

@plantao190 Curitiba
255K+ followers
2K+ following
460 listed

@uDrezzy Curitiba
193K+ followers
420 following
67 listed

@Perfumaria_CTBA curitiba
82K+ followers
68K+ following
10 listed

@Portuguesa_NC Curitiba
80K+ followers
182 following
539 listed

@omachoalpha Curitiba
75K+ followers
1K+ following
227 listed

@Benett_ Curitiba
55K+ followers
4K+ following
548 listed

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